One who is loving.
One who is kind.
One who is wise.
One who is selfless.
One who is faithful.
One who is patient.
One who never stops working.
One who is Christlike.
One who is teachable.
One who teaches.
One who serves as a future-husband model.
One who, “[Does] not provoke [his] children to anger, but bring[s] them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.” (Ephesians 6:4)
And, if you’re me….he’s one who is awfully funny.
That’s a godly father. That’s my father.
Dad (looking at my new wedge sandals): “Do you know why nude shoes are so popular? Kate Middleton. Just read it in a Comcast headline.”
Christianity Faith fathers future husband godly man Jesus Christ man of god
jen, I loved your writing on a Godly Father. How fortunate I was to have one even tho most of his life was spent trying to do for God and earn his way.